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Rules of Procedure of the Unified Patent Court (RoP)

Rule 112

Conduct of the oral hearing

  1. The oral hearing shall be held before the panel and shall be under the control of the presiding judge.
  2. The oral hearing shall consist of

    (a) the hearing of the parties' oral submissions,
    (b) if ordered during the interim procedure, the hearing of witnesses and experts under the control of the presiding judge.

  3. The presiding judge and the judges of the panel may provide a preliminary introduction to the action and put questions to the parties, to the parties' representatives and to any witness or expert.
  4. Under the control of the presiding judge, the parties may put questions to the witness or expert. The presiding judge may prohibit any question which is not designed to adduce admissible evidence.
  5. With the consent of the Court a witness may give evidence in a language other than the language of proceedings.


Relation with Agreement: Articles 52(3) and 53(1)(a)

Status: 15th draft of 31st May 2013