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Rules of Procedure of the Unified Patent Court (RoP)

Rule 239

Role of the judge-rapporteur

  1. Upon the expiry of the periods specified in Rules 224 to 238 the judge-rapporteur shall make all necessary preparations for the oral hearing. Subject always to the provisions of Rule 222 , the judge-rapporteur shall, to the extent appropriate, have the powers and exercise the duties set out in Rules 101 to 110 mutatis mutandis.

  2. As soon as the judge-rapporteur considers that the appeal is ready for oral hearing he shall summon the parties to the oral hearing. At least two months notice shall be given unless the parties agree to a shorter time period. The interim procedure shall be deemed closed and oral procedure shall start immediately on the giving of such summons. The presiding judge shall, in consultation with the judge-rapporteur take over the management of the action.


Status: 15th draft of 31st May 2013