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Rules of Procedure of the Unified Patent Court (RoP)

Rule 370

Court fees

  1. Court fees provided for in these Rules shall be shall be paid to the Court. They shall be levied in accordance with the provisions contained in this Part.
  2. The court fees to be paid to the Court shall be as follows:

Court of First Instance

Fee for an opt-out

Fee for withdrawal of an opt-out

Fee for infringement action:

Fee for counterclaim for revocation: Fee for revocation action:

Fee for counterclaim for infringement:

Fee for declaration of non-infringement:

Fee for action for compensation for licence of right

Fee for action against a decision of the European Patent Office:

Fee for application to review a case management order:

Fee for application to preserve evidence:

Fee for application for provisional measures:

Fee for application to determine damages:

Fee for application to determine compensation pursuant to Rule 125:

Fee for application for re-establishment of rights:

Fee for application to file a protective letter to or to prolong the period kept on the register:

Fee for application to set aside decision by default:

Court of Appeal

Fee for appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1(a) and(b)

Fee for appeal pursuant to Rule 220.1(c) and .2

Fee for lodging a protective letter:

Fee for rehearing:

(b) Value-based fees in [EUR***]

Value in dispute in EUR


Status: 15th draft of 31st May 2013